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The use of Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) is very powerful on-line and allows you access to thinking and learning from a range of viewpoints. You will get this in the univeristy but thi is mor powerful still once you are out in schools. These blogs will give you access to a range of ways of thining about teaching and learning and should stimulate your thinking and conversations in school, with colleagues and back in the university.

Te@cher Toolkit – Ross Morrison McGill: Te@cher Toolkit is a multi award-winning blog by Ross Morrison McGill. Legendary amongst the teaching community; it has its own podcast, a whole section dedicated to resources and a number of books to support teachers.
teacherhead- Tom Sherrington: Started by former headteacher Tom Sherrington and author of The Learning Rainforest, who shares his vast experience in education. Tom now acts as an education consultant, both on and offline, travelling around the world and publishing books along the way.
The Cult of Pedagogy- Jenifer Gonzalez: In her own words Jenifer hopes to create a vibrant, encouraging, stimulating community of teachers, supporting each other toward excellence. A stream of new ideas from the Cult of Pedagogy blog and podcast!
Mr P’s ICT Blog- Leeroy Parkinson: Mr P’s ICT Blog is full of fun posts bringing humour into teaching, from turning his classroom into a zoo using augmented reality to creating his own Love Island teacher-themed memes. Mr P (aka Leeroy Parkinson) shares how teachers can raise standards in the classroom through technology.
Love Learning- Debra Kidd: Debra is the founder of UK education conference Northern Rocks. Her blog, Love Learning is based on the mantra: ‘Make it Matter.’ Debra explains that not a single piece of knowledge that mankind has ever aqcuired came without a desire to know the answer to a question.
Teaching it Real - Mark Enser: Teaching it Real is brought to you by Mark Enser, a teacher of 14 years and author of Make Every Geography Lesson Count and Teach Like Nobody’s Watching. The blog is full of thought-provoking articles to help you reflect on your teaching practice.
Ben Newmark: Are we really assessing learning? Why is teaching making you so poorly? And Why teach? These are just some of the important questions that Ben Newmark tackles in his blog. Ben is a deep thinker about education. He has an ability to reflect on the big issues in education with a good dose of humour and clarity.
The Principal of Change- George Couros: The author of ‘The Innovators Mindset’ began his blog when he was a school Principal in Canada back in 2010, as a way of setting an example to his students about embedding critical thinking into everyday practice. Since then, The Principal of Change has grown to become one of the leading educational blogs worldwide.
Things I Notice in Schools - Mary Myatt: Mary Myatt is an education adviser, who works in schools talking to pupils, teachers and leaders about learning, leadership and the curriculum. She maintains that there are no quick fixes and that great outcomes for pupils are not achieved through tick boxes. Her blog is full of wisdom based on real school experiences.
…Just Wondering… – Kath Murdoch: A…Just Wondering… is a thought-provoking blog on inquiry based learning. Kath’s blog posts will challenging your existing thinking as she address common myths about inquiry teaching and learning. Kath’s blog complements her published work very well and I strongly encourage all inquiry teachers to check it out and subscribe.
The Primary Head’s Blog: In the Primary Head’s own words: I am just a primary school Head Teacher trying to succeed as I tackle the multitude of issues that come as part of the ‘working in education for a lifetime’ package. The Primary Head writes about his own experiences of leading a primary school and educational issues of the day.
Ramblings of a Teacher- Michael Tidd: The Ramblings of a Teacher provides valuable insight into curriculum and assessment in primary education. Having trained for and taught in middle schools, Michael writes expertly about how schools manage the transition of students between the various phases of education.
Mrs P Teach: Discussing a broad selection of teaching methods and techniques, Mrs P Teach provides first-hand accounts of different ways to approach educating. Delving into innovative ways to handle marking and feedback as well as things like growth mindset, this blog is dedicated to introducing educators to new learning concepts and structures.
A long view on education - Benjamin Doxtdator: A thoughtful, weel researched and inclusive approach to education this blog will offer you a very different perspective on issues digging deeply into philosophical issues and looking at some of the systemic injustice in the current system.
Learning with 'e's - Steve Wheeler: A slightly offbeat view of the world via the use of learning technologies. This blog looks at learning via the lens of learning technolgies but offers thoghts on a wide variety of educational matters.
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