University of Hull
iPads and Teacher Education: Setting Up
You are here >> iPads and Teaching Education >> Handing back the iPad
Handing back my iPad

When you hand you iPad back check it is in the following state BEFORE the hand in time.

1. Charge the device to at least 50%

1. Save to a cloud server any data you want to keep (e.g. iCloud / Dropbox / Google Drive / OneDrive etc ...)

2. Go to Settings >> General >> Erase all Content and settings

3. When you re-set up the device - set the passcode to 1234 (you will need your eduroam or wifi password)

4. Go to Settings >> Wifi >> go to you wifi network click on the i symbol and then forget this network

5. Have the device ready to hand in - turned on in this state.

You will not be allowed to hand the device back unless these conditions are met.

If you have lost or damaged the device or the other equipment you will be charged for this - please if you lose the plug or cable during the course contact us to talk about a replacement do not buy a cheap equivalent.

Website developed by web Last Modified: 27th August, 2015