You're here ... Home ... Websites
There are many, many websites that are available for RE but finding good and useful ones is not always so easy. We are going to look at about a dozen in this session and consider (i) how we know these are any good and (ii) how we might use these (or the ideas they promote) in our teaching and learning.
RE Online - Go
Google - Go
You Tube - Go
BBC Learning - Go
Evaluating a website: This is a frame for evaluating a website. Click here to download the document
Bookmarking / favourites: This PowerPoint shows how to bookmark and then export your bookmarks. Click to download the presentation
Using web based materials in Primary RE: This is an electronic copy of the handout which was used at the course and will give you some idea of lessons when using ICT in RE. Download.
Sounds, Images and Video: Some places to find them on the web - go
A few places to begin ...
Kids 4 truth - Go
Beliefs into Action - Go
The Big Myth - Go
The Brick Testament - Go
The Children Talking database - Go
CLEO (Foundation) - Go
CLEO (Key Stage 1) - Go
CLEO (Key Stage 2) - Go

Hindukids - Go

Interactive creation
table - Go

Infant Baptism - Go
Jesus is born - Go
The Jewish Connection - Go

RE Online [Infants] - Go

Picturing Jesus - Go
Portsmouth EMAS
traditional tales - go
Stories from Buddhism - Go
Sikhkids - Go
Islam 4 schools - Go
Teddy's Day Out - Go