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Standard 2: Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils
  • be accountable for attainment, progress and outcomes of the pupils
  • plan teaching to build on pupils’ capabilities and prior knowledge
  • guide pupils to  reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how this impacts on teaching
  • encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study
Minimum Good High
  In addition to the criteria for minimum In addition to the criteria for good

They understand how teachers are accountable for the attainment, progress and outcomes of pupils and have taken some responsibility for this with guidance from the usual class teacher or other professional

Their short and medium term planning and teaching demonstrate some understanding of, and provision for, pupil progression taking into account prior achievement.

They support pupils in reflecting on their learning and identifying their progress and emerging learning needs.

When planning lessons they devise suitable opportunities for learners to evaluate and improve their performance.

They are able to explain how effective teaching strategies are informed by an understanding of how pupils learn and offer a rationale for choices made in the context of practice.

They plan teaching and learning activities that encourage independent and autonomous learning.

As a consequence all groups of pupils make at least satisfactory progress.

They assume responsibility for the attainment, progress and outcomes of the pupils they teach.

They demonstrate a sound understanding of the need to develop pupil learning over time.

Their short and medium term planning consistently takes into account the prior learning of the pupils.

They regularly provide pupils with the opportunity to reflect on their own learning and use this, along with other forms of assessment, to inform their future planning and teaching

They use their knowledge of effective teaching strategies to encourage independent learning, and they set appropriately challenging tasks that enable the learners to make progress.

As a result the majority of pupils make good progress.

They assume a high level of responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of the pupils they teach.

They demonstrate confident judgement in planning for pupil progression both within individual lessons and over time and are able to articulate a clear and well-justified rationale as to how they are building on prior achievement.

They actively promote engaging and effective methods that support pupils in reflecting on their learning.

They are able to set appropriately challenging tasks, drawing on a sound knowledge of the pupils’ prior attainment, which has been obtained through systematic and accurate assessment.

They regularly create opportunities for independent and autonomous learning.

As a result the majority of pupils make very good progress.

Note: words in red are the key driver words for this standard | indicates a video resource
Questions to drive mentor / trainee conversations
  • Is the trainee aware of actual and expected outcomes for the pupils in the class(es) they teach?
  • How does the trainee try to use assessment (formative and summative) to move pupils’ learning forward?
  • What forms of assessment has the trainee used? How effective were these?
  • How does the trainee use questioning to help them focus their teaching for different pupils? Are questions planned and used appropriately? Are there a range of question types?
  • What strategies has the trainee used to scaffold learning effectively?
  • How has the trainee planned for progression using the relevant programme of study?
  • How has the trainee sought to encourage pupils to take responsibility for their work?
  • Can the trainee explain their choices for learning objectives and assessment tasks in light of prior and expected attainment?
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This page last updated Jan 20th, 2013