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Standards Part II : A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. The statements below define the behaviour and attitudes which set the required standard for conduct throughout a teacher's career

  • Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school, by:
    • treating pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher’s professional position
    • having regard for the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions
    • showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others
    • not undermining fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
    • ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law
  • Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school in which they teach, and maintain high standards in their own attendance and punctuality
  • Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and responsibilities

Trainees embarking on a programme of ITE will have demonstrated that they possess the required attitudes and behaviours as an element of the selection process.  No matter which route to QTS they undertake all trainees are expected to demonstrate high professional standards from the outset.  For that reason the standards in Part Two are not graded By the end of the programme of ITE, all those trainees recommended for the award of QTS will have demonstrated that:

They have a commitment to the teaching profession, and are able to develop appropriate professional relationships with colleagues and pupils. They have regard to the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions. They understand that by law that schools are required to teach a broad and balanced curriculum and they are beginning to develop learners’ wider understanding of social and cultural diversity.

They are willing to assume an appropriate degree of responsibility for the implementation of workplace policies in the different settings in which they have trained. They adhere to school policies and practices, including those for attendance and punctuality

They have a broad understanding of their statutory professional responsibilities, including the requirement to promote equal opportunities and to provide reasonable adjustments for pupils with disabilities, as provided for in current Equalities Legislation. They are aware of the professional duties of teachers [] as set out in the statutory School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document.

Note: indicates a video resource
  • Cole, M. (ed) (2002) Professional Values & Practice for Teachers and Student Teachers (Cross-phase). London: David Fulton Publishers.
  • Department for Education and Science (2004) Every Child Matters: Change for Children. DfES. Available at this link.
  • Department for Education (2012) Teachers’ Standards. DfE. Part Two:Personal and Professional Conduct, Available at this link
  • General Teaching Council England (2004) The GTCE Statement: The Statement of Professional Values and Practice for Teachers (archived). Available at this link
  • General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (2011) Teaching: the Reflective Profession. GTCNI. No.7 Code of Values and Professional Practice, pp 44-46. Available at this link.
  • Pollard, A. & Pollard, A. (eds) (2005) Reflective Teaching Continuum. Information available at
  • University of Bristol Graduate School of Education (2012) Professionals in schools: roles and responsibilities. The Bristol Guide 2012. University of Bristol Document Summary Service. See this link
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This page last updated Jan 20th, 2013