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Bloom's Taxonomy: This is a link to Bloom's taxonomy. Looking at cognitive skills.
Some teaching ideas by year group ...
Ideas for the EYFS - go to pages
Some lesson arranged by Primary and Secondary - go to pages
Lincolnshire LAS: Here are some ideas tied to the Lincolnshire agreed Syllabus:
Key Stage 1: Belonging to a Christian Community and Belonging to a Jewish Community
Lincolnshire LAS: Here are some ideas tied to the Lincolnshire agreed Syllabus:
Key Stage 2: Christian beliefs and lifestyles and Hindu beliefs and lifestyles

A few more teaching ideas ...

  • Year 2: Preparing for a visit to a synagogue. Here children explore the issues involved with visiting a place of worship and plan to visit a virtual and a real synagogue - go
  • Year 3: Preparing for Divali. Here children learn more about the festival of Divali. The lesson uses website resources - go
  • Year 4: What religions are represented in our neighbourhood? Here children begin searching for information about local religious traditions using conventional materials and online resources - go
  • Year 5: Investigating the Bible? Here children investigate the meaning of some biblical passages by looking at several different versions. The activity makes use of a wide range of internet resources - go
  • Year 6: The Qur’an: Introduction: Here children will learn more about why the Qur’an is important to Muslims and find out more about the names of God. A variety of internet resources are used - go
and some more generic ideas ...

Retell a story: Staffordshire Learning Net – has an archive of short stories with religious themes which is well worth looking at for useful ideas. Also look at the Brick Testament for inspiration for making story boards.

Thought needs to be given to the choice of story and you can use digital video to capture an enacted story, or digital stills to make a story board, voice narration on Powerpoint...

Make a news broadcast: This might be based an event they have studied or a moral or ethical situation, children should craft the narrative, interview people and then using a digital video camera and a package like Photostory 3, Windows Movie Maker or iMovie to make a short 3" 'breaking news' cast.

Capturing Acheivement : Look for opportunites to use the IT to capture the acheivement of the pupils, this might be via audio capture or video capture or via stills but this will help to gather evidence of acheivement in non-literate forms this could be sued for:

  • Discussion groups
  • Circle Time
  • P4C discussions
  • Pairs and Shares
  • Brainstorms or Mind Maps
Make a documentary: Produce a 5-10 minute film on a religion, or religious topic or an ethical or moral issue. This should encourage develoment of thinking skills and develop the construction of argument.

Make a Vox Pop: Using a digital recorder or a tape recorder pupils should decide on a question such as "Do you believe in God" or "Can you be a believer if you don't attend a place of worship" and collect opinions from a range of pupils, teachers and parents. This can lead to good numeracy work when dealing with the data and good discursive work from the answers.

Sample interviews can be found on the RE Quest website and on the People of Faith websites.


Update a story: How might you change an exiting tale to be more appropriate for the C21st? Look at the following update of the Good Samaritan or have a look at some of the following sites for stories:

  • BodhiTree: humorous and thought-provoking Buddhist cartoon sequences
  • RE Quest: the life and teaching of Jesus
  • Bilal's Stories: bedtime stories for Muslim children
  • Stories of the Hasidic rabbis: for Jewish tales
  • Heroes of recent times

Research the life of a famous religious leader / personality: For example pupils can be expected to be aware of key figures in recent Christian history whose lives reflect their attempt to follow Jesus' teachings, often in most extraordinary circumstances. Whilst work on the lives of Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King is perennially popular there are many others to choose from. The internet can be a rich source of reference, here are just a few:

  • The My Hero project is about the lives of people who have been inspired by their faith
  • Famous People from the BBC website gives you some places to begin
  • Use the allRE database for places to begin
  • Ask 4 Kids is about the best search engine for primary schools

Visting places that would otherwise be impossible: There are a growing number of viritual visits availble on line some places to begin are:

  • Bradford Interfaith Centre - link
  • Hackney Learning Live: Living Religions - Hinduism - link
  • RE Online places of worship - link
  • Virtual Hajj - link